Tuesday, October 17, 2006

What a pair!!

Sorry it has been so long! This is the most recent picture and it was taken with my phone. We should be getting our camera some time next week. We actually got a new one and IT DIDN"T WORK!!! A brand new camera and it didn't work. Sony wanted us to send it to their repair shop to get fixed instead of sending us a new one! So after 5 different phone calls Ben finally convinced someone to send us a new camera!! What a pain in the you know what this has been! So once we get it I will take lots of pictures.

Sorry it's been a month since my last entry but life around here has been very busy and stressful!! I will write again in the next few days. I don't have time right now, I have 2 little boys who are in desperate need for a bath!!

Love you all,

1 comment:

Erin J said...

Last Christmas we got a new digital camera from my mom and there was no camera in the box. We got a different one. We think it might have been the display box because everything else was in there. We can't wait to hear what happenings have been going in the Heiden house. We miss you guys.

Chad and Erin