Sunday, January 28, 2007

Finally a new post!

Are you lookin' at me?

Don't let that cute face fool ya!

Got laundry?


You're afraid of the claw!!

Ok so I know it has been almost 2 months since my last post! I apologize. I can't believe that Christmas has come and gone. And it is now 2007... which means that I graduated from High School 10 years ago!!! That makes me feel old, which actually I am closer to my 30's now than my 20's!! How crazy is that?

Hope everyone had a blessed Holiday and a healthy New Year. As you all know Matt had his tonsils out in December because of strep month after month. Well, he has it AGAIN!! Yeah thats right he has strep and doesn't even have tonsils. The doctor said it is rare but possible. So once again we are dealing with it! Please pray that we can find a solution to this. It is very frustrating.

We are looking forward to a trip to California for my Uncle Al's 60th birthday bash in february! We can not wait to go! We are going to have a awesome time. It has been way to long since we last saw our California family!! That should be an interesting flight! We are all traveling on the same flight except for Ben and Dan. They are leaving 2 days later because of work.

Speaking of work... Ben received a promotion just before Christmas! He is now the Digital Production Manager. It is a new position for the company so there is a lot to figure out first. The problem is he is still doing his old job and trying to work on the new position. So they are trying to get someone he can train to do his old job so he doesn't have to do both!! On top of this being his busiest time of year with Daytona coming up in February. He has been working 13 hour days and also on Saturdays! He is wiped out right now! As well as stressed out!!! pray for him! =) I am very proud of him.

I am officially a soccer mom!! Ha Ha All I need is the mini van!! NEVER!! I will stick with my Durango for now!! But seriously, Matt is doing soccer on Saturday mornings! He seems to like it! So this may the start of many soccer games... at least Ben is hoping so!

And as for Nick, well I think he gets bigger by the minute! He is now 10 months old and is 24 lbs!! He is now starting to wear 18 months clothes! He amazes me! He is so cute, when ever we go out some where people always stop and talk to him because he smiles at everyone that looks at him! He is quite the ladies man!

Well, enough for now! I will try to be better about writing more often!!


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