Monday, August 07, 2006

Just another day...

Well, not much to report about at the Heiden household! I guess no news is good news! We are trying to enjoy what is left of summer before reality hits and I have to go back to work!! I am really looking forward to it! Our church is opening a daycare in September and I will be working there. The boys will go with me and Matt will possible go to Pre-school 2 days a week. I am still unsure about him starting school, I just think he is to immature to go. But then again it might help him to go, Who knows!! He does go to Gymnastics once a week and he does really well, so maybe he will be completely different in school!.

We are leaving on Saturday for Minnesota! We are going for our cousins, Eric and Sara, who recently became the proud parents of twins...Taylor and Tyler. We are the proud God-parents of the babies and get to celebrate their baptisms with them on Sunday August 20th!! We are looking forward to seeing all of our family but are nervous of the 12 hour drive with 2 kids!! We are still debating on driving overnight, stopping half-way or putting the pedal to the metal and go straight thru! Hopefully our DVD player will come in handy! Ben is disappointed because he was going to do some golfing with his Dad and cousin but put a stop to that today after getting 4 stitches in his middle finger. He AGAIN cut his finger at work!

We are still waiting for our camera. We had to ship it to Sony in Conneticut because it was still under warranty. So hopefully we won't have to pay for any repairs on it. We were really hoping to have it back in time for Minnesota! But it doesn't look like it will happen. So hopefully we will have some new pictures soon!

Nick is getting big or should I say chunkier! He is so smiley and laughs when we tickle him! He also can roll over from his belly to his back and almost his back to his belly! I think when he is on his belly the weight of his head is what rolls him over!! =)

Hope you are all staying cool in this hot weather! We pray your all doing well and miss all of our out of town family!


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